
Essential Singing Exercises

How to make a Lip Roll?

What is a lip roll? | Objectives of practising lip rolls | When to use it | How to make a proper lip roll? | Step by step instructions

Humming | M - N - NG Hum

What is humming? | Objectives of practising humming | When to use | How to make it work? | M - N - NG Hum | Step by step instructions

Airflow | Straw Phonation

What is straw phonation? | Objectives | When to use it | What straw should I use? | How to practise straw phonation with water and without? | How to practise airflow and sing with a cup?

Singing Vowels

Vowel vs Consonant | Vowels as the key to sound | How many vowels are there? | Oo - Oh - Ah - Eh - Ee | How to practise vowels in the songs


Study the foundation of melody and harmony!

In this series of articles you will get familiar with all the intervals, learn how to notate them, how they sound and most importantly how to recognise them using your favourite songs.